Korea No.1 Digital Door Lock | Korea market share No.1

Korea No.1 Digital Door Lock

Korea market share


*Revenue by Manufacturer in 2020

Recognized Globally

Cumulative sales

9million +

World 1st to Launch
Push Pull Door Lock

Globally No.1 cumulative sales for Push Pull

4million +

Globallly Recognized

Design award winner for

120 times

World 1st to Commercialize
Home Network

Home network commercialized households

10million +

World first home network
commercialized project (Tower Palace)

Largest number for single project
(Seoul Helio City, 9,510 households)

Beyond innovation

Zigbang’s smart home technology
puts its’ importance in security.
Not only developing standardized
security, Zigbang have further
researched and developed its’

own unique security technology
to protect and secure customer’s

Very first to apply
Samsung security chip
Fastest fingerprint
recognition rate

Sensitive personal
Safe and secure

Zigbang’s smart home technology puts its’ importance in security with unique security technology that prevent hacking.

Acquired KISA
(Korea Internet & Security Agency)

Information management system

Unique security technology that
prevents hacking.

IoT Security authentication

Safely use all IoT function with
personal information protection
and hacking prevention.

Self-developed mortise,
that thoroughly manage

Zigbang digital door locks are developed with our in-house R&D specialists.


With their experience and know-how in hardware and circuit design, self developed line up is operated.

* Hold numerous patents related

Quality test by

Korea Consumer Agency
rated ‘Best’ in security

Efforts to provide

the finest quality

To protect our family and home, Zigbang door locks are designed considering the fundamental stability.
Since the Samsung SDS era, market leading products have been developed through perpetual challenge and our own test methods.

More stronger,
more repetition and more diverse than 
Korea Standard(KS)

More strictly tested
to prevent damage in any environment

International Organization for Standardization(ISO)

Quality & environment management system

Zigbang is recognized for
quality and environmental competitiveness

Quality management
system acquired

system acquired

From being
the first to 
the best

25 years ago, Samsung electronics took over home automation division.

Which was the very first home network business and since then, smart home industry have continuously innovated and increased.

During the process, Samsung SDS (Now Zigbang) was the leader of the transition, continuously challenging the boundary.

Zigbang consistently developed technology to improve all residential life, and made the current Zigbang smart home considering differentiated value in the footsteps so far.

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